What does the perfect profile look like on enthuse.me? What should you be looking to feature heavily in your profile and what should you leave out?
While the social media modules of enthuse.me allows you to feature your other social profiles, the ‘enthuse modules’ are your real shop-front for showing people what you are capable of, and that visitors might ultimately pay money for (whether you offer services, products or yourself as an employee).
The Golden Rule
If there is one thing that stands out above everything, it is the importance of making everything featured on your page, yours.
Whether it’s an ‘Insight’ into your industry, or a piece of work you completed for a client, it should have come from your lips, your hand or your brain. Too many other profiles try to appear intelligent by quoting Oscar Wilde or another famous wordsmith, but the reality is that you will be much more attractive if you can make a similar impact with your own words and ideas.
(Like all good rules, this one has an exception. A well-rounded profile will focus on your work but also link to some other places that mention you and your achievements. The ‘Press & Mentions’ module is perfect for this.)
Link to your ‘A-list’ of Experts
The people you link to, whom you recommend, and who hopefully recommend you in return, will say a lot about what you can offer and lend credibility to your profile by demonstrating you have a strong network.
Feature Your Latest Masterpieces
Showing people what you are capable of can be difficult, especially if you have a piece of work from many years ago that you are proud of the most. Unfortunately, the modern world means that many will see a highlight from years ago as an admission that you have done little since, irrespective of whether or not that is the case. Balance your best work with the need to keep your profile up to date and fresh but showing some of current projects and a few of your best past projects.
Social media is becoming a bigger part of life, if you do not have active social profiles, you might be seen as behind the times, particularly if you are looking for a job in online fields.
It is important to remember that enthuse.me will only show things like follower numbers and how many posts you have authored rather than feature live updates from your account. To show off your best tweets, re-write them as ‘Insights’ instead. For other good examples of your expertise posted elsewhere, link to them or import them into another relevant module.
Make sure you have a good quality and representative photo of yourself. Nightclub pictures or shots of you on a beach last year probably won’t do you any favours, but depending on your target audience, a corporate suit-and-tie-head-turned-slightly shot could be just as bad. Choose carefully, as it’s the first thing people will see and perhaps the main thing they will remember.
Show that you take yourself and what you do seriously and that you are passionate about your profession, but remember to show that you have a human side, too. It is an oft-repeated cliché, but people really do buy people first.