We’ve made a few big changes to the way your profile displays your information and some profiles will look a little different as a result.
Please log in to check your profile and make any changes you need to ensure it still shows off your talent in the best light.
So what’s changing?
All stats like twitter followers, view counts on YouTube, SoundClound likes and so on are now displayed in one ‘Online Presence’ section.
If you had stats on your profile before, you’ll now find this new section at the bottom, but you can drag the circular icon in the menu at the top of the profile to re-order it.
YouTube and Vimeo sections have been removed, and a ‘Videos’ section has been added in it’s place.
If you had YouTube or Vimeo videos on your profile, they will now appear in the Videos section. You can drag the icon to move this to your preferred place on the profile, as well.
The LinkedIn section remains the same, but is now named ‘Experience’.
The Slideshare section is now ‘Presentations’ and will allow you to embed slides or presentations from any website, not just slideshare.
The Soundcloud section is now ‘Audio’ and will likewise allow you to post sound clips and players from any site.
Why are we making these changes?
enthuse.me has always been about focusing on the most relevant examples of your expertise, and not just about combining information from all your (most often less relevant) social networks. The change to less specific sections should mean that fewer people add a section purely because they have an account there, and more because they have relevant content of that type to showcase. For those of you who do have impressive stats that are relevant to your expertise (A video producer should show off that they have millions of YouTube views for example), the online presence module now provides a simpler way to showcase those.
These changes mark the end of profile work for a while, while we turn our attention to the Personal Marketing Dashboard. Check back there soon for more features to help you market yourself and grow your audience both on enthuse.me and elsewhere online.
Please comment below or e-mail [email protected] with any feedback or questions. We’d love to know what you think, and how you use these new sections.